@geomati_co in GeoTools
On these days the geomati.cos are a bit scattered. They had to stop in Velp (Holland) to talk about some projects at the MapWindow Conference. After this, one of them has gone to Salzburg (Austria) to continue with talks in the AGIT Conference, and others are already on their new temporary destination, Rome (Italy), working for FAO.
In between we have learned about OpenGeoGroep, a GIS freelancers cooperative, more or less what we’d want to become one day. Meanwhile we continue to work on our projects and are preparing others.
Just one more thing. Recently one of the geomaticos, Oscar Fonts, contributed to GeoServer and GeoTools a new transformation method using NADCON and NTv2 grids (see here in Spanish). Today people from GeoTools has posted on their blog that its source code has moved to GitHub, and int the image that appears…
Do you have a project idea and want to turn it into reality? We would like to hear from you, tell us about it
The facts define us
Real-time public transportation visualization
https://vimeo.com/540079821/ Real-time visualization for the Barcelona metro and bus services Since 2016, Geomatico has been working with the Barcelona public transport agency (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, TMB) for GIS development…
Customised GIS training for your sector
Our experience tells us that the best way to consolidate knowledge and have your staff effectively integrate GIS as a daily tool is through customised courses for your business. Generalist…
Beyond vector tiles: Mapbox, MapLibre or DeckGL for my 3D map?
Unfortunately, there is no magic recipe for this answer, but this post will discuss in depth the pros and cons of vector tiles, Mapbox, MapLibre and DeckGL. Geomatico is a…
Irriter: precision irrigation visualization
http://vimeo.com/736100341 Software development for precision irrigation Irriter is an information system to help the irrigators of the Baix Ter. It is based on crop information, soil type and satellite imagery…