Customised GIS training for your sector

Our experience tells us that the best way to consolidate knowledge and have your staff effectively integrate GIS as a daily tool is through customised courses for your business. Generalist training focusing on technology does not show the immediate applications of GIS to your activity: it is much more useful to receive a course directly from the developers who have already worked in your same sector and contribute their vision and GIS experience.

We define the points you want to focus on, we adapt the examples to real cases of use in your organisation and we guide the training to solve your day-to-day problems. We always customise the GIS courses to the specific challenges of your business, for example:

  • GIS analysis for environmental and forest management
  • Free software GIS tools for mobility
  • PostGIS for scientists (biodiversity, environment, netCDF)
  • Raster analysis of satellite images for precision agriculture
  • Open source IDE nodes for Public Administrations (Geoserver, Geonetwork, PostGIS)

The members of Geomatico have more than 10 years of experience in the GIS sector, including more than 30 classroom and online training courses:

  • Courses to implement an environmental GIS in Argentina and 5 other countries in South America in the framework of UN-FAO REDD+ projects to reduce deforestation
  • 1-4 week customised training in Geoserver and PostGIS for large organisations such as the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia, Hexagon Geospatial, GeoSur, the National University of Costa Rica or the Honduran Land Administration.
  • Practical workshops and technical talks at numerous GIS conferences, from FOSS4G-EU to JIIDE and all Spanish Open GIS Conferences (Jornadas de SIG Libre) from 2012 on.

We teach you how to use the geo tools that will solve your sector’s problems. Contact us to see how we can help you.

Do you have a project idea and want to turn it into reality? We would like to hear from you, tell us about it

The facts define us

  • Real-time public transportation visualization Real-time visualization for the Barcelona metro and bus services Since 2016, Geomatico has been working with the Barcelona public transport agency (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, ​​TMB) for GIS development…

  • Customised GIS training for your sector

    Our experience tells us that the best way to consolidate knowledge and have your staff effectively integrate GIS as a daily tool is through customised courses for your business. Generalist…

  • Beyond vector tiles: Mapbox, MapLibre or DeckGL for my 3D map?

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